MVHRA Street Capper

Massey Victory Heights Residents Association recognizes and acknowledges the Qayqayt First Nation, as well as all Coast Salish peoples, on whose traditional and unceded territories we live, we learn, we play and we do our work


Annual Garage Sale

Since 2002 the Massey Victory Heights Residents Association has held their Annual Garage Sale on the first Saturday in May. Participation is open to all residents of the Association [see Boundaries Map] who have paid their Annual Membership. Registration begins March 1st and closes one week prior to the sale to allow organizers to compile the Participant Listing for publication.

The Association advertises our Garage Sale in the following Locations:

 Community Events Calendar – New West City Website
 Vancouver Sun/Province News Papers
 Burnaby Now/ New West Record Community on line News Papers
 Two Billboard Signs are posted strategically in the neighbourhood
 Participants will be provided with a Participant Sign identifying them as a participant

2025 Garage Sale

The 2025 Annual Garage Sale

will be held:
Saturday May 3rd 2025
8:00 am to 2:00 pm


Nineteeth Annual Garage Sale 2024

Our 19th Annual Garage Sale has come and gone and was a great success! With a total of 21houses participating this year, there were a lot of fascinating items for sale. The new Participants Sign was well received by participants who felt they: encouraged more traffic as sites were quickly identifiable; identified the neighbourhood and its history with the logo and encouraged a sense of a community. They do look pretty sharp too. The executive really appreciate everyone’s help with putting the sale together, and for those who showed up to take a look at everyone’s treasures.
List of 2024 participants.

Eighteenth Annual Garage Sale 2023

Thank you once again to all the garage sale homes that participated in the Massey Victory Heights 18th Annual Garage Sale on Saturday May 6th.
This year saw 20 registered participating households. The weather for the most part held out for the day with light showers throughout the day. Another successful and fun day.
List of 2023 participants.

Seventeenth Annual Garage Sale 2022

Thank you to all the garage sale homes that participated in the Massey Victory Heights 17th Annual Garage Sale on Saturday May 7th. Also, a big thank you to all the shoppers that came out. It was so nice to host this event again after a 2 year hiatus due to the pandemic!
There were 23 registered participating households this year along with a few that were not registered. The weather held out for the day with sun and overcast skies but mostly no rain was seen until after the close of the sale. This year saw the Queens’ Park Garage sale coincide with our sale but did not seem to affect the crowds of bargain seekers. All in all it appears to have been another successful year.
List of 2022 participants.

Sixteenth Annual Garage Sale 2021
The Sixteenth Annual Garage Sale of the Massey Victory Heights Residents Association was cancelled due to the COVID-19 Virus.

Fifteenth Annual Garage Sale 2020
The Fifteenth Annual Garage Sale of the Massey Victory Heights Residents Association was cancelled due to the COVID-19 Virus.

Fourteenth Annual Garage Sale 2019
The Fourteenth Annual Garage Sale of the Massey Victory Heights Residents Association was held Saturday May 4 2019 with 14 registered households participating. The weather this year was cooperative so we saw hundreds of bargain hunters to the area. There were reports of early bird customers starting at 7:00 am. There were also reports of many tag along sales who were not registered and we ask that these folks consider registering in the future. As this event is highly advertised you will benefit from this and increase traffic of customers.List of 2019 participants

Thirteenth Annual Garage Sale 2018
The Thirteenth Annual Garage Sale of the Massey Victory Heights Residents Association was held Saturday May 5 2018 with 14 registered households participating. As is always reported the Massey Heights area had a steady flow of customers starting at 7:00 am. The Victory Heights area was slower due to the lower number of participants. We hope there will be more registered participants next year to help increase traffic for these folks. This years weather was perfect, not to cold but warm enough. List of 2018 participant

Twelfth Annual Garage Sale 2017
The Twelfth Annual Garage Sale of the Massey Victory Heights Residents Association was held Saturday May 6 2017 with 13 registered households participating. It was reported there was a steady flow of customers starting at 7:00 am in some locations. The weather co-operated with us this year. List of 2017 participants

Eleventh Annual Garage Sale 2016
The Eleventh Annual Garage Sale of the Massey Victory Heights Residents Association was held Saturday May 7 2016 with 23 registered households participating. This year we had to compete with the Queen's Park Garage Sale; contend with the reduced lanes on the Pattullo Bridge, which resulted in less traffic in the area; and of course the sunny hot [28 degrees] weather.  None of these affected the crowds of bargain hunters and most participants reported steady traffic throughout the day.  The popcorn register this year was 2 kg of kernels.  It appears to have been another successful event. List of 2016 participant

Tenth Annual Garage Sale 2015
The Tenth Annual Garage Sale of the Massey Victory Heights Residents Association was held Saturday May 2nd 2015 with 15 registered households participating. This year mother nature co-operated and provide us with a sunny day. The popcorn register this year was 1.8 kg of kernels.  Special thanks to Derrick Thornhill for is support once again with all his signage. Another successful event for everyone we have heard.
List of 2015 participant

Ninth Annual Garage Sale 2014
The Ninth Annual Garage Sale of the Massey Victory Heights Residents Association was held Saturday May 3rd, 2014 with 21 households participating. It was over cast for most of the day, with periods of rain her and there throughout the event. This did not stop the crowds from seeking out those elusive bargains. There were reports of traffic jams in some areas as pictured. Another successful event for everyone.
List of 2014 participant

Eighth Annual Garage Sale 2013
The Eighth Annual Garage Sale of the Massey Victory Heights Residents Association was held Saturday May 4th, 2013 with 19 households participating. Mother nature was cooperative with us this year and we experience a beautiful sunny warm day. By all accounts another successful sale, with accounts of congested lanes being experienced throughout the day. List of 2013 participants

Seventh Annual Garage Sale 2012
The Seventh Annual Garage Sale of the Massey Victory Heights Residents Association was held Saturday May 5th, 2012 with 20 households participating. The day started out on the wet side but did not hold back the crowds. By mid morning the rain gave way to overcast skies then sunshine by noon. Another busy year with streets and lane ways filled with parked cars and pedestrians. List of 2012 participants

Sixth Annual Garage Sale 2011
The Sixth Annual Garage Sale of the Massey Victory Heights Residents Association was held Saturday May 7th, 2011 with 20 households participating. We were not as fortunate this year with the weather as the rain pelted down for most of the day and did not let up until early afternoon. This did not appear to affect the crowds of bargain seekers as they were heavier than previous years, as evidenced by the traffic jambs in lane ways and streets in the area. List of 2011 participants

Fifth Annual Garage Sale 2010
The Fifth Annual Garage Sale of the Massey Victory Heights Residents Association was held Saturday May 1st, 2010 with 20 households participating. Although the weather was a bit cool, at least the rain held out for the day and the sun showed its face as we ended the day. From all accounts it appears everyone had a successful day. Once again the neighbourhood was full of bargain seekers. List of 2010 participants

Fourth Annual Garage Sale 2009
The Fourth Annual Garage Sale of the Massey Victory Heights Residents Association was held Saturday May 2nd, 2009 with 25 participants. This year the weather was perfect, with the rain holding out until 3:15. Most streets and lane ways were in grid lock, with the number of cars lining the streets. Another astounding successful Garage Sale. List of 2009 participants

Third Annual Garage Sale 2008
The Third Annual Garage Sale of the Massey Victory Heights Residents Association had 25 residents participating. This year the weather was a bit less cooperative with rain lasting most of the morning and into early afternoon. This did not stop the bargain seekers as streets were jammed with cars. Another successful year was had by all. List of 2008 participants

Second Annual Garage Sale 2007
The Second Annual Garage Sale of the Massey Victory Heights Residents Association had 28 residents participating. This year the weather was a bit more cooperative which brought out many bargain seekers. Once again the event was a resounding success. List of 2007 participants

First Annual Garage Sale 2006
In May the Massey Victory Heights Residents Association hosted its First Annual Garage Sale with 20 residents taking part. Despite the weather and the car accident at Cumberland and East 8th Avenue, which blocked off the intersection in three directions for quite some time, the event was a success.

Photo Gallery

2024 saw the intorduction of our new Participant Signs, loaned out to each participant for the day to identify they are a registered participant of the event.

Garage Sale

2022 Saw the introduction of our new Advertising Banner

Photos from 2022 of some of the activities.

Photos from 2018 activities as experienced by some.

2014 was an exceptionally busy year with cars blocking lane ways

2014 - York Street