MVHRA Street Capper

Massey Victory Heights Residents Association recognizes and acknowledges the Qayqayt First Nation, as well as all Coast Salish peoples, on whose traditional and unceded territories we live, we learn, we play and we do our work

Block Party Grant Registration
is now open

*** UPDATE July 24 2024 ***
There are still Grants available to be had


NWPD Community Engagement

At the end of last May, the Residential Associations of NW had an opportunity to meet with the NW Police Community Policing Department. As a follow up to that meeting, the NWPD Community Engagement Coordinator has provided updated info in response to some of the key issues raised during that meeting. Details and documents can be found on our Advocacy page, under the: Community Policing Committee Mtg with RA President and NWP Community Engagement Department: banner title.


Street Sign Capper

Orders for Street Sign Cappers for 2024 has closed
We will continue to accept orders and hold
Until we have the required 10 to place an order

If you and/or your neighbors would like to sponsor a sign for your area, check out the Sign Capper Map for an available location.  Once you have chosen a location, click the available link to download the Sign Capper Order Form. Complete the form and return using the instructions on the form.  Your sign location will be reserved until we have received the required 10 to place an order.


2024 Membership

Did you know we have close to 1000 homes in the
Massey Victory Heights
catchment area?

As of June 1 2024 we have 110 paid members,
lets see if we can break our record.

Click Here to read more about your Membership


Save the Date - Next Meeting

MVHRA's General Meeting will be held
Thursday September 19 2024 - 7:00 pm
930 Cumberland St
Mount Zion Lutheran Church
basement entrance


2024 Executive

Elected at our AGM
held January 25, 2024

Elected Officials:

President - Sid Johnson
Vice President - VACANT
Secretary - Danielle Karlsson
Treasurer - Sue Johnson

Directors at Large:
[ Volunteer Positions]

Sherry Messenger
Chester Kmiec
Deb Thomas - Email Communication
Terry Tomcko - Web Master

We are in need of a Vice-President as well as Directors at Large.
If you are interested or know of someone who is,
please contact the president at:
